• Abies amabilis Pacific Silver Fir
    Large true fir 30-45m tall with a dense crown of dark green foliage. Pacific Silver Fir thrives in cool moist coastal forest habitat.
  • Abies lasiocarpa Subalpine Fir
    Medium-sized true fir 20-25m tall with very narrow crown, bearing a mass of upright dark purple cones at the top. Subalpine Fir is generally found at higher elevations.
  • Betula occidentalis Water Birch
    Small shrubby deciduous tree up to 10m with oval toothed leaves and deep reddish brown bark. Water Birch prefers moist soils at low to mid elevations.
  • Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Yellow Cedar
    Medium-sized tree up to 24m in height with spreading, drooping branches and small round greenish cones on light green foliage. Yellow Cedar thrives in high moisture sites.
  • Larix occidentalis Western Larch
    Large majestic conifer reaching 30-60m in height with deciduous needles which offer brilliant yellow fall color. Western Larch does well in soils with good drainage.
  • Picea glauca x engelmanii Interior Spruce
    Large conifer 25-40m tall with short stiff sharp needles, thriving on moist sites at low to mid elevations, and in various conditions at high elevations. Interior Spruce is cold hardy and somewhat shade tolerant.
  • Pinus contorta var latifolia Lodgepole Pine
    Medium-sized conifer 20-25m tall with a narrow crown, needles in pairs and serotinous cones. Lodgepole Pine grows in most conditions from low to high elevations.
  • Pinus flexilus Limber Pine
    Small 5-needle pine 9-15m tall with very flexible
    branches, found at mid to high elevations often on steep
    south-facing slopes. Limber Pine is drought resistant.Pinus ponderosa
  • Pinus ponderosa Ponderosa Pine
    Large stately conifer 15-30m tall with open crown, long needles in clusters of 3, and large decorative cones. Ponderosa Pine is very drought tolerant.
  • Prunus pensylvanica Pin Cherry
    Small tree or large shrub 1-5m tall with long pointed leaves, clusters of delicate white flowers which produce small bright red berries. Pin Cherry grows at low to mid elevations in moist areas.
  • Pseudotsuga menziesii var glauca    Interior Douglas-fir
    Large conifer 25-35m tall with upsweeping branches, and bearing cones with distinctive 3-pronged bracts. Interior Douglas-fir is common from low to mid elevations, adapted to a wide variety of conditions.
  • Thuja plicata Western Redcedar
    BC's provincial tree is a large conifer up to 40m in height with scale-like leaves on flat sprays of branches. Western Redcedar is commonly found at low to mid elevations in moist sites.
  • Tsuga heterophylla Western Hemlock
    Large tree up to 35m tall, having soft feathery foliage and a distinctive drooping leader. Western Hemlock is found in moist climates at low to mid elevations and is shade tolerant.
  • Tsuga mertensiana Mountain Hemlock
    Medium-sized conifer 10-25m tall with clusters of short dense needles. The rugged Mountain Hemlock is shade tolerant and thrives in cool moist conditions with a heavy snow pack.


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